Sunday, May 19, 2013

Chicken Coop Envy

Might just have to substitute the real thing with a rain catcher
Early Saturday morning we set out to run errands and decided to tour a few Chicken Coops on the Ninth Annual Raleigh Tour D'Coop.  It's a great way to learn about chickens and see lots of really neat gardens while supporting Urban Ministries of Wake County (  No, we can't keep chickens where we live but it's always nice to see what other folks are up too. 

Groovy garden and check out that fence.  This plot was going up hill and lined in bottles. 
Just what I want for the bees...a fresh water pond to keep them hydrated. 
Dave's not buying my theory! Two envy's...chickens and a water feature!
Thanks to Walt and his wife, I have a new ground cover.  The families on the tour are so gracious and willing to share everything about their chickens and even a plant or two.  Walt took the chicken thing to heart as you can see.
A popular chicken on the tour and supposedly Dotty here lays a small egg that wins BEST in taste...Way to go Dot!  Did you know that a chicken only lays eggs consistently for 3 or 4 years then it's spotty from there on out.  

Artichokes almost ready to harvest. 
This garden was all out front and fabulous.

Loved this garden.  This family went vertical in
 their raised beds. 

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